
The best restaurants in Rouen in 2023

Recently updated on July 6th, 2024 at 07:58 pm

My city of Rouen is a dynamic city full of surprises, and its culinary scene is not to be outdone.

During my tours, my tourists often ask me the same question: which restaurant do you recommend? It’s hard to be exhaustive, as there are both culinary and budgetary choices.

For several years, the gastronomic offer has been developing and diversifying (croque-monsieur, Tibetan baos, gourmet French cuisine, quality sandwiches, etc.). With restaurants, single-product concepts and food trucks ranging from traditional French dishes to exotic dishes, there is something for all tastes and budgets. If you are looking for the best restaurants in Rouen, then you have come to the right place.

In this article, I will guide you through the best restaurants in Rouen that I have tested, where you can enjoy delicious and varied dishes, at reasonable prices. Ready to discover Rouen’s culinary scene? So let’s go !

Some time ago, I already wrote about the 6 best restaurants in Rouen but in its gastronomic version. Through this article, I will explore Rouen’s gastronomic offer more broadly. This will allow me to share with you addresses of restaurants with various budgets, dishes to eat in or take away and located.

Café Hamlet – gourmet brasserie


Café Hamlet, in the heart of the old mass grave which was created in 1348 due to the Black Death, is one of the new and good restaurants in Rouen.
Under the guidance of chef Damien Duboc, he revisits traditional dishes by bringing them some pep (lobster brioche bread, oxtail burger, etc.).
Relatively short menu (3 starters, 5 main courses, 3 desserts).
I appreciate the modernity of the dishes and the attention paid to our vegan friends.

Price: starters (8.90-15.90 euros), main courses (14.50-23.90 euros), desserts (8.50-9 euros)

186 rue Martainville, 76000 Rouen |

Gill – gourmet and traditional French cuisine


Gill, located on the banks of the Seine, is one of the jewels of Rouen cuisine. Gill, which is the first name of chef Tournadre (formerly 2 stars in the Michelin guide), offers refined cuisine that highlights in particular some Rouen specialties.
Short menu (3 menus).
I really like the piegon à la Rouennaise and the “Minute” millefeuille with Bourbon vanilla.

Price: Menus (37-89 euros)

8 and 9 quai de la Bourse, 76000 Rouen |

L’Odas – Modern French cuisine


L’Odas, located in the cathedral district of Rouen, lives up to its name.
Short menu (4 menus). At ODAS, the cuisine is daring and you will experience a real taste experience. The meats are of French origin and the products are seasonal.
I appreciate the combinations of herbs, vegetables and citrus fruits as well as the cozy setting.

Price: Menus (44-169 euros)

4 Passage Maurice Lenfant, 76000 Rouen |

La Couronne – Gourmet cuisine


La Couronne, located on the historic Old market square, is the oldest inn in France (1345).
Carte with 9 menus according to the season and current events in Rouen. At La Couronne, the meats are of French origin and we claim to be homemade.
I appreciate the refined cheese platter and the place steeped in history because it saw the torture of Joan of Arc.

Price: Menus (29-95 euros)

31, place du Vieux Marché, 76000 Rouen |

La Rose des vents – French cuisine

@La rose des vents

La Rose des vents, located on Basse Vieille Tour square in Rouen, offers very good homemade cuisine.
Very short menu (2 courses).
I like the menu that changes every week and the place is warm.

Price: 15-25 euros

33 Place de la Basse Vieille Tour, 76000 Rouen | Facebook

Le Boma – inventive French cuisine


Le Boma, located a stone’s throw from the Place du Vieux-marché in Rouen, is one of the new restaurants (July 2020) which is revitalizing the mythical Rouen square hosting the stake of Joan of Arc.
Short menu (3 starters, 3 main courses, 3 desserts).
I really like sweet and savory dishes.

Price: starters (11-15 euros), main courses (23-24 euros), desserts (11 euros)

Menu of the week and affordable prices: €21 for starter + main course or main course + dessert and €24 for the whole

4 Rue de l’Ancienne Prison, 76000 Rouen |

Le 6ème Sens – inventive French cuisine


The 6th Sens, located just next to the Place du Vieux-Marché in Rouen, offers refined dishes.
Short menu (3 menus). At the 6th Sense, the cuisine is delicate both for the taste buds and for the eyes.
I love the unstructured lemon pie as well as the pleasant setting of stone and arches.

Price: Menus (25-54 euros)

2 Rue Thomas Corneille, 76000 Rouen |

Markette – French bistro cuisine


Markette, located on the right bank in Rouen, is one of these new restaurants that have settled a few steps from the Museum of Fine Arts.
Short menu (3 starters, 3 main courses, 3 desserts). At Markette, the ingredient is king, as the menu indicates.
I appreciate the little international touch brought to French cuisine.

Price: starters (10-13 euros), main courses (22-28 euros), desserts (10 euros)

Menu of the week and very affordable prices: €16 for starter + main course or main course + dessert and €20 for the whole

21 Rue Beauvoisine, 76000 Rouen |

Tandem – French bistro cuisine


Tandem, located in the Antiques district of Rouen, opened its doors at the end of 2019.
Short menu (3 starters, 3 main courses, 3 desserts). At Tandem, the meats are of French origin and we claim to be homemade.
I appreciate the lemon pie and the refined decoration.

Price: starters (9-14 euros), main courses (19-24 euros), desserts (9-12 euros)

Menu of the week and very affordable prices: €20 for starter + main course or main course + dessert and €25 for the whole

11 rue Damiette, 76000 Rouen |

Yūgō – Japanese and Peruvian cuisine


Yūgō, located next to the Law court metro station in Rouen, is one of the new tables on the Rouen scene. Yūgō, which means “fusion” in Japanese, Gill offers a delicious exotic journey to Peru and Japan.
Relatively short menu (3 starters, 5 main courses, 3 desserts).
I like the sea bream ceviche.

Price: starters (9 euros), main courses (13-18 euros), desserts (6-7 euros)

Menu of the week and affordable prices: €25 for starter + main course or main course + dessert and €30 for the whole

3 place du Maréchal-Foch, 76000 Rouen | Facebook

L’Osteria – authentic Italian cuisine

Best restaurants in Rouen

This is my last crush! I discovered this new Italian restaurant in April 2023 and it is now one of the best restaurants in my city. For what ? Quite simply because I rediscovered Italian cuisine as I tasted it during my many trips to Italy.

Price: starters (9-18 euros), main courses (13-18 euros), desserts (7-9 euros)

My advice: ideal for a romantic date, I recommend the combination spaghetti alla carbonara + tiramisu with butter cream.

31 Allée Eugene Delacroix, 76000 Rouen | Instagram: Osteriarouen

Tempo – gourmet restaurant

Best restaurants in Rouen

My latest discovery! I discovered this new gourmet restaurant in May 2023 and it is now one of the best restaurants in my city. For what ? Quite simply because the cuisine on offer places an important emphasis on plants and vegetables, but without forgetting meat or fish.

I tested the blind menu entitled “L’éveil” (49 euros) consisting of an appetizer, two starters, a main course and a dessert. Cheese is extra (10€).
Verdict: delicious and surprising. On the menu, mashed peas, asparagus, yuzu, fish eggs, a chocolate entremet and mint sorbet… The little sweet surprise at the end of the meal was much appreciated. We feel the passage of the chef by the Odas and the sixth sense, two very good restaurants in Rouen.

Price: Starter / Main Course or Main Course / Dessert (29 euros) | Blind menu (from 49 euros)

5 Place de la République, 76000 Rouen |

Dear restaurant owners, if your restaurant is not on my list, it’s simply because I haven’t had the opportunity to taste your cuisine yet 😉

That’s it, your taste buds are salivating? Now you have some addresses of good restaurants in Rouen.
Between gourmands and gourmets, do not hesitate to share our new addresses. Comments are there for you to do. For my part, I will regularly update this list of restaurants.

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